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*New Tempest Conversion Kit (04/06/24)*

We have released the Tempest conversion kit (JY0119) that now includes a full set of stencils and markings, kindly produced for us by Oldmodel Decals.

*Evergreen Plastics (03/12/23)*

In the next week or so we will be adding Evergreen Plastics products to the store. These will be available in limited quantities. Products will include items from their various range of strips and sheets.

*1:200th Scale Metal Sets Added (09/11/23)*

Today we launch a new range of products, metal undercarriage and propeller sets for a number of civilian airliners. We have also added two products, Nitrile rubber tyres with OD4mm and 6mm.

*Colonial Miniatures Added (16/06/23)*

Ever heard of Colonial Miniatures? No, neither has a lot of people. But, here they are. We have a limited number of these for sale.

*Catlins Country Crafts Launch (24/12/22)*

In March last year we invested in a kick-ass laser cutter/engraver with plans to put it to good use making hobby products. It took a while to get to grips with it's abilities and limitations and we are now in a position to start producing our first products for sale. Our initial releases will include laser cut model kits aimed at the younger generation as well as board gaming accessories.
We are able to cut MDF, card and perspex to name a few materials, as well as engraving these materials. We hope to add to the list of products over time and hope you will find something of interest.

*New Partnership Launch (10/10/22)*

Today we are very excited to announce the launch of our partnership with New Zealand's best and well respected decal producer, Oldmodels Decals. They have been creating and supplying decals to the hobby for many years and approached us with the view of combining websites. From today JAYS Hobby Products will be hosting Oldmodels Decals and their full range of products on our website. These products will be uploaded and made live over the next few days with a full switch over planned on Wednesday 12th Oct. We welcome Oldmodels Decals customers to our online store and look forward to their custom.

*New Partnership (23/09/22)*

Next month we will be announcing a new partnership with a very well known and respected New Zealand hobby company. Details are being finalised and we are looking at launching that companies products sometime mid-October. With inclusion of these products it is going to expand our range by more than double and introduce new categories.
More news coming soon.

*Magic: The Gathering Update (28/08/22)*

Magic: The Gathering cards are now available in store. We are focusing on the cheaper common and uncommon cards which will enable new players to get into the game more affordably. These cards are available in ten price points and the full list of available cards can be downloaded from each product item. We also have a small number of more valuable cards for sale which will be available in small quantities. If you have any questions about how to make a purchase please email us for more information.

*Magic: The Gathering (11/08/22)*

For those of you who are also board gamers as well as model kit makers, you may be interested to know we will soon be listing Magic: The Gathering cards for sale. I have been interested in this card game for some time and know how expensive it can be to get into. But, I have discovered you can create decks cheaply using the common and uncommon rated cards, it's called Artisan. With this in mind I have acquired a stock of M:TG cards to make my own decks and will be listing the remainder for sale. If there is enough interest in M:TG I will look into sourcing additional stock.

*Product Clarifications (25/02/22)*

We recently released three new Tasman Accessory products for the RB51 Mustang. Since the release we learned that these products are suitable for all P-51 Mustangs as well, so have corrected the packaging and item descriptions to reflect this.

*Price Alert (23/01/22)*

Falcon Industries, our supplier of their Cleavax and Squadron products, have informed us they are raising their prices due to an increase in material costs. This will result in an increase of 17% in shop prices. The change will take affect on the 1st February.

*Denizen Plus Christmas Sale (16/11/21)*

Our early Christmas Sale is now on to help beat the last postal days for Christmas. Many items on sale, Canopies, Clearvax, Frei Korp, Model Kit Accessories, plus a number of other single items. Also, today, we launch our stock of Denizen metal miniatures.

*Denizen Miniatures Arriving Soon (28/10/21)*

I know table top gaming is a bit of a departure for us and I realise that these products won't be of interest to many. But it's tough out there right now and we need to broaden our scope in order to survive. Besides, gaming is a hobby and some of the products under this category could be incorporated into modelling. So we are pleased to announce that we will soon be stocking a range of metal miniatures produced by Denizen. I hope these products will appeal to some of you.

*Postal Rates Rise (01/10/21)*

We discovered the hard way that New Zealand Post introduced new rates that seem to affect all overseas shipping. We have amended all shipping rates to reflect the change, but there is some good news.
The reason for the rate rise is because they have now added tracking to each shipment. You will be able to find your tracking number on your PayPal statement, and we will send you a link via email, so you can track your order through the NZPost website. Thanks NZ Post!

*Clearvax set 56 On It's Way (11/02/21)*



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